Working off missed classes are held according to the schedule in the online format using Google Meet.

Before completing the missed practical classes the student gives a written answer to the theoretical questions of the topic he or she is working on and submits through the Moodle system. It is necessary to take a photo of the work with the identity document and add it no later than 10:00!

The student is also tested in the Moodle system on the topic of missed classes.

Join the GoogleMeet meeting by following the link to talk to the teacher on duty at 10:00!

The camcorder on the student's computer or other device must be turned on during the practice. If a student completes a missed class, he or she also presents permission to the dean's office (from his or her computer screen).

Be sure to fill out the Google Form to sign up for practice.

Practice is also possible in agreement with the teacher of his/her group before or after the practical lesson, in compliance with the same requirements.

Grades for completed practical classes are entered in the paper journals of the groups and in the electronic journal during the week.

Shift schedule for Biochemistry teachers (January, 2024) (1).pdf